Music is incredibly powerful, and central to everything we do at Carpenter Film, from planning a concept with a client, to warming up actors, to stirring emotions as we edit a documentary.
Music runs through our veins and brings life to our films. We love it!
…so music videos are a hugely important part of our portfolio. Listening to a song is great, but like most people we love seeing music performed live. That way you can really feel a song, not just hear it. We aim to recreate the excitement that comes from the combination of watching someone who is brilliant at their craft, and the vibe that comes from sharing that experience with others.
We work hard to capture that in our music videos, and we’d love to make one for you, whether you’re a solo artist just starting out, or a concert orchestra on a world tour.
Here’s one we made during lockdown just for fun: Jasmine Carpenter singing 'One of Us'
“Music is the divine way to tell beautiful, poetic things to the heart..”
Pablo Casals